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Uploaded by: dpapenbrock (01/25/20)
Composer: Mathias, William
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Jubilate (Op.67 No.2) - William Mathias
Published by Oxford University Press
Recorded Live via Hauptwerk on St.Laurenkerk-Rotterdam sampleset

YouTube Live:

This is such a fun and exciting piece! It can be found in OUP's collection, 'William Mathias Organ Album'.

I came across this a couple months ago, if I recall, perusing samples of Voxus' Dudelange set. And apparently it has only been submitted here other time (by Agnus_Dei..gulp!) and I think it deserves more exposure!

I don't know much about the work...perhaps as the title suggests it's just "joyful noise". And that suits me just fine because joy it is! Mathias, of course, is said to sound a lot alike in his works -- maybe this is true. But this work has a very unique feel and energy. I could hear the final page repeated over and over (which I usually do!)...the final chord is breaktaking!

My registration tries to play to St. Laurenskerk's fantastic reeds on all three manuals (though much of the playing is on the Bovenwerk), plus an injection of the Trumpeta brillante. And because it's so great to hear, the 32' Bazuin at the close. I hit a piston for very nearly full organ for the final two chord bursts.

This is a very playable and exciting work. Whether a usual Mathias fan or not give it a listen or splurge on buying the collection. I think you'll be happy you did!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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