Difficult stuff ... Working with the organ music of Johann Ludwig Krebs invites to enter a large world of a Johann-Sebastian-Bach-nostalgy. Krebs fights for to find his own place and style therein. Kr...
Read MoreGuillaume Lasceux (1740-1831) was since 1758 organist of the church Saint-Martin-de-Chevreuse at Paris. In 1769 he hold the post as organist of church of the Mathurins, and additionally as organist of...
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Louis Marchand and the organ music around him
by Dr. Wolfram Syré
Luois Marchand was born in 1669 at Lyon.
After the Marchand family had moved to Nevers had been offered the post as organist...
We want to give users a heads up that we have updated the site's terms and conditions.
Effective on Monday May 25, 2020 the following terms and conditions will be required by all users to ...
We invite you to the first Inspired Acoustics virtual organ music making contest!
What is this contestIn these challenging times of the Coronavirus emergency, music is more needed than ever. This c...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the harpsichord.
It is unusual to play Mozart on the harpsichord today. But Mozart itself played very often on the harpsichord. Ludwig van Beethoven called Mozart a ...